
The Space Between Your Lives

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All Third Eye Studio Giclées are printed by Sarazen Editions on ARCHES® Aquarelle Rag paper. Giclées are archival reproductions made from Nadine's orginal watercolors and drawings.

$ 35.00 USD
Intuitive Message

"You have walked into the main hall of the Akashic Records for your appointment with Thoth, the guardian of this dimension. He greets you and asks you to take your place in front of the small wooden altar that appears in front of you. As you stand there, he unlocks the force field surrounding your current “Book of Life.” Only Thoth holds the frequency key to unlock it. The orange healing energy Chi ball he is carrying helps create your new genetic signature, which is necessary to understand him. He is about to communicate with you, but to access this information you must enter into an altered state. To shift your awareness (and brain waves), become aware of your breath and breathe slowly for four minutes. Now listen with your heart-mind and hear what Thoth has to say..."