
The Angels Have Your Back

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All Third Eye Studio Giclées are printed by Sarazen Editions on ARCHES® Aquarelle Rag paper. Giclées are archival reproductions made from Nadine's orginal watercolors and drawings.

$ 35.00 USD
Intuitive Message

"Believe in divine magic and you will experience instant manifestation of heaven on Earth. A new chapter of your life is about to unfold. Expect the unexpected and allow miraculous to happen. Trust that the angels are whispering positive and uplifting messages into your inner ears – messages that will lead you to your soul purpose here on Earth. Have faith that all is possible - but realize that it is you that has to allow it to happen. Everything is as it is supposed to be – you are in the right place at the right time. Stay positive and focus on positive affirmations. The hedgehog reminds you to set your boundaries and be very discerning about what you let in. What you put your attention to manifests. The warbler helps you find your voice and sing your song. The vines give you the strength and direction to find your true friends and community. The Sun, Venus and maple leaf want you to know how strong you are and to allow yourself to believe in love…again. The bird of paradise helps you find paradise on Earth. Be grateful for everything in your life. Your angel is watching over you sending you all the guidance and support that you need – just call on Ira for help. Flap your energetic wings and fly with the angels.”