
The Apex: Abundance is All Around You

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All Third Eye Studio Giclées are printed by Sarazen Editions on ARCHES® Aquarelle Rag paper. Giclées are archival reproductions made from Nadine's orginal watercolors and drawings.

$ 35.00 USD
Intuitive Message

"The Apex” is all about understanding ascension and what role you play within your sphere. In general, an apex is the upper-most elevation of something – the summit, tip, pinnacle, and zenith. It can be referred to literally or figuratively. It is as far as you can go with something at that moment in time. It can deal with the highest achievement in (work/career, relationships, health, and/or spirituality, etc.). In this painting, there are ten humans that form the tree of life working together to reach the highest point – the moon. They offer each other protection, strength, and wholeness. There are many different types of people in this world. Some sweet and gentle, others pushy and self-centered – but we are all in this together and we all are here to help the Earth transcend to heart-based consciousness. Many people feel that we are separate from each other, that there is a division between what we feel inside and what we see outside. But when we trust our heart-mind more than our egoic mind we can sense and feel not only our own feeling but others’ as well. The power of empathy demonstrates that we are all connected non-corporeally… ”