
The Holy Grail: Twenty Seven Ways to Expand Your Heart and MInd

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All Third Eye Studio Giclées are printed by Sarazen Editions on ARCHES® Aquarelle Rag paper. Giclées are archival reproductions made from Nadine's orginal watercolors and drawings.

$ 35.00 USD
Intuitive Message

"Uranus represents the taming of chaos, birthing a totally new life and a new type of order. It is the cosmic alarm-clock; it is here to wake you up from a collective sleep by triggering dramatic events you don’t expect. It will do what it takes to shift your current reality to the next level. The good news is that it also triggers your creative genius. The way to navigate this interesting astrological phenomenon is to be flexible and to work through all issues with your heart. Listen to the wisdom of Uranus and its twenty-seven moons…they will help start the process in a loving way."