
The Ever Evolving Mystery: Release the Joy

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All Third Eye Studio Giclées are printed by Sarazen Editions on ARCHES® Aquarelle Rag paper. Giclées are archival reproductions made from Nadine's orginal watercolors and drawings.

$ 35.00 USD
Intuitive Message

"Life and all that happens here is a mystery. Most of us are unconscious and unaware of why things happen to us the way they do. Even more perplexing is why we make the choices we do and live out most of our lives on automatic; unable to stop all the drama that surrounds us. Why do we humans accept anything less than love, health and happiness? Well what I do know is that when you want to find your personal truth you need to do this alone. When you are alone with yourself you are able to go deep inside your programing and connect with your authentic self."